Content Warnings for
The Dividing Sky

Hi everyone!

Now that ARCs have started to make their way out into the world, I wanted to leave a note about content warnings for The Dividing Sky.

The Dividing Sky is set in a dystopian near-future world not too dissimilar from our own. The main character Liv, along with nearly everyone in this fictional world, finds herself in a position of powerlessness under corporate control. This control takes many forms, but the most notable of which are an ever-present police force, and a fictional euphoria-giving substance known as Mean. As a result, the book includes brief mentions of (again, fictional) drug use, violence, cursing, and panic attacks.

All of the above are extremely brief, and meant to stand in stark contrast to the overall hopeful, restorative, and joyful spirit of the book. However, I trust readers to know their own minds and hearts, and to step back if necessary.

Please take care, and happy reading,